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Easily find freelancers for your next project

Work with expert moms and allies based in the U.S.

Talk to real people with real expertise.

Use some suggested searches to check out some of the bold businesses in our ambitious community:

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  • Save your favorite freelancers so you can reach out anytime
  • Support our mission to help moms who freelance
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Find freelancers with a focus on specific skills

Business image for Aria Tsiomakidis

Aria Tsiomakidis

Experienced Graphic Designer & Strategist
Brand Design
Brand Identity Design
Brand Management
Email Marketing
New York
Business image for Alexandra Repetto

Alexandra Repetto

Marketing and Product Development Expert
Brand Management
Content Development
Digital Marketing
Business image for Allison O'Brien

Allison O'Brien

Marketing Strategy and Campaigns
B2B Marketing
Editorial & Content Management
Product Marketing

See all freelancers

How does it work?

Learn about the person you'd like to work with and their experience.
Find service packages and pricing in each profile.

1. Find a freelancer with the skills you need

2. Start a conversation to decide details

3. Work directly together on your project

Invest in your business, and theirs.

Freelancers in our community are part of a unique membership that helps them grow a business. SelfMade does not charge any extra fees for you to work together.

Frequently asked questions

They are all members of SelfMade where they get the tools and support to grow their business. Freelancers find us from The Mom Project community or other places online. Each profile is full of information to help you to decide if they are the right fit. You can see their experience, previous projects and more! Please reach out to if you have feedback.
SelfMade is a new platform offered under The Mom Project umbrella. We are part of their Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, but we are our own platform with different logins. We each have the same goal to create opportunities for parents, caretakers and allies!
You only pay for the project you decide on between you and the freelancer you work with. There are no other fees and 100% of the project price goes to them. Why don’t we charge fees for projects? Freelancers are already part of a membership agreement with SelfMade. Their membership includes a portfolio, tools and other resources to grow their business.
Your first message will be using the contact form on their profile page. You’ll then directly work together when they write back to the email you provide.
All contracts and payments are currently independent of the SelfMade platform. These are agreed upon between you and the freelancer you work with.

Are you a freelancer or want to be?

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